
Nankai University has been designated by the Chinese Ministry of Education as a university to offer the Chinese Government Scholarship to international students. Applicants can find more information about Chinese Government Scholarship on the following websites: https://www....
I. Eligibility and Application Deadline Scholarship Category: Tianjin Government Scholarship Eligibility: 1. Applicants must be non-Chinese nationals. 2. Applicants must be self-funded international students applying for undergraduate, master's or doctoral programs at Nankai University. 3. Applicants for undergraduate programs...
中国节日 Chinese Festival 春节 Spring Festival       春节,是中国农历的正月初一,又叫“阴历年”,俗称“过年”、“新年”,是中华民族最隆重的传统节日。春节的到来意味着冰天雪地、草木凋零的寒冬就要过去,万物复苏、草木更新的春天即将来临。人们在春节前后辞旧迎新,从农历腊月二十三日的“小年”起,便开始一系列的“忙年”活动,以盛大的仪式迎接春节。正月的迎新活动要一直延续到元宵节(农历正月十五),春节才算真正结束。     The inaugural day of the first month of the Chinese lunar calendar is...
中华传统美德概述 The Summary of the Traditional Chinese Virtues         美德即美好的品德,是指那些积极的、向上的、崇高的、引导人与社会向善的品德。而品德则是对人的言行的规范,有的通过书面的法律、法令、著作等方式流传下来,有的通过一代又一代人的言传身教传承下来。法律通过国家的力量从外对人进行制约,品德则是通过个人的力量从内对人进行制约。     Virtue entails possessing admirable moral qualities, which encompass positive, elevated traits that influence...
    汉字的外形方方正正,这一特点使其很容易与世界上其他国家、民族和地区的文字区别开。汉字的字形丰富多样,充满了节奏韵律。每一个汉字都是一件充满魅力的艺术品,而且还可以通过书法、象刻、诗词及对联等艺术形式,向大众彰显其独特魅力。     Chinese characters, with their square appearance, stand out distinctly from the scripts of other languages worldwide. The richness and diversity of written Chinese, characterized by its rhythmic nature, endow...